Last month, February, is one of the busiest months for us. Aside from Balloon Decoration Packages & Kiddie Party Packages, we also have a decent number of Corporate Events to add to our list. It was an extremely busy month because we are also working on improving our new store. Situated just a few meters from our old shop, our new store is now in a bigger & better location with ample parking space for clients to use. Because of the parking area and store space problems in our previous balloon shop, we were unable to cater to many clients. The limited space made us decide to find a better store and work area so it will be convenient to everyone – clients, staffs & us.
This March 2015 will be no different in terms of workload. We officially stayed at our new store on March 1 but we still have a lot of work to do. Aside from the construction of cabinets, storage space & work area, we will also be doing the paint job, transfer of landline, electrical works, fan & exhaust installation and many more. We are the very first occupant of the building and it is a huge risk that we are taking. We are not sure if clients will see us easily and unlike the previous shop, we do not have a known landmark nearby – so we guess we will be the one to become our own landmark. This month we will also be working on the documents that are needed for the operation of the business such as BIR, Mayor’s Permit, Fire Clearance, Sanitary Permit and more.
As of this writing, our store landline is temporarily not usable. We are still communicating with Globelines for the proper transfer of our original landline number to the new store. We are hoping that in the next few days, the transfer will be complete.
UPDATE (March 8, 2015): We now have a working landline number at our store. You can contact our store at (032) 4053213 or 09177887555 if you have inquiries or questions.
Our storage space is also a big problem for us, as we need to construct our own cabinets because the new store space is bare. We also paid for the tiles, glass door, divisions among other things. We are also planning to purchase an air-conditioner because the work area is too hot during afternoon; especially that summer time is coming very soon.
Once everything is done – including the physical advertisements, such as tarps, banners & signage – we will continue working on other marketing strategies to make sure we have a stable customer base to support not only our family but also the people behind the continuing success of this business. We will also be aggressive in selling our new products such as the Cakes, Personalized Giveaways & Balloon Decor Workshop. This March 2015 will surely be full of surprises – we will post it on Facebook & this website. We will also be doing our best to acquire more talents to help us achieve our plans so we can continue to help other people, especially the less fortunate street kids of Cebu.
By next month, we will continue to work on stopping the copycats of this business. Copycats, meaning those who simply copy the texts and images of others (and sometimes just made a few revisions). Selling the same products does not mean you are allowed to copy the bundles and texts offered by your competitors. We are trying to protect this venture because we have poured everything into this – time, money & effort – and families, not only ours, are looking up to this business for their daily food. We will continue to report them to Google, Facebook and other platforms to avoid duplicate content. Images & texts that are similar (or even closely similar) to us will be reported to our contacts at Google & FB. We really do not mind having competitors because it makes us innovate and do more to continue to make us relevant. Once people copy texts or images from our website, they are already plagiarizing and reporting them to search engines is easy, making their page virtually inutile or having less visitors.
We brainstorm and study our packages and prices that we offer for more than a month, which is why we are doing our best to protect it. Copying texts and images has a short-term negative impact on our site but the imitators of our packages will soon absorb the huge damage.
We encourage competitors to develop their own unique packages and do not just simply copy word for word or make our packages as reference and just change the price and some inclusions – we know those who are copying from us because we use different keywords compared to those who belong to the big leagues.
We hope our competitors understand that we do not have any other income source aside from this balloon business. This is why we are doing everything to protect this. We do not have any problem if this business is copied in good faith orĀ out of jealousy as long as they do not copy our texts because either this will pull us down (less likely) or pull them down (very likely). We love competition, that is why we are doing hands-on workshops at home but we hate copycats that is why we report them to the online authorities.
- Balloon Decors for a Boy Christening at Cafe Laguna
- Ceiling Balloons at St Joseph Hall Sacred Heart Center
- Disney Princess Balloon Decors with Styro Standee at Orosia Food Park Consolacion
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